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Subject information for students: East Asian Studies


Currently only available in German.

Literature search

ULB Düsseldorf is spatially distributed over several locations: the Central Library and five branch libraries. You can find a subject overview sorted by locations here.

Freely accessible media for the subject Modern Japanese are located in the Central Library (building 24.41, 1st floor).

The textbook collection for the subject can be found in the Central Library (building 24.41, ground floor).

Media located in the "closed stacks" has to be ordered via the ULB catalogue.

Books in the reading rooms are shelved systematically, i.e. according to subjects and within the subjects, according to subject areas and topics.

The basis of the arrangement is the classification system, which divides the fields of knowledge into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a letter-number combination (classification number), e.g. oas k 450. Classification numbers are used for the books’ shelf numbers, and you can use them to search the catalogue thematically.

Here is an example of a call number that can be found on the back of the title "初級日本語よみもの げんき多読ブックス."

oas k 450.b 219(1)

oas Ostasienwissenschaften
k Allgemeines
450 Sprache und Literatur: Japanische Schul- und Lesebücher (fachunspezifisch)
b Last name of author or editor
219(1) Cutter number = a library classification tool

Electronically available journals can be found via the Electronic Journals Database (EZB). Please ensure your VPN is activated, if you are not on campus.

Current issues of journals available in print can be found in the journal displays in the Central Library. The yearly bound journals are available under the call number oas z in the Central Library.

ULB also offers several full text databases that could contain relevant journals. You can find a list of databases ordered by subject in the Database Information System (DBIS).

With subject databases, you are searching in collections that are more tailored to your subject interests than the library catalogue. Subject databases usually offer more search functions and more detailed subject classifications.

Consult our Database Information System (DBIS) to find out which subject databases are available. Please activate your VPN first before searching, if you are not on campus.

Are you about to write your first term paper and need help on how to search for, select and process literature? Then you should work through the ILIAS learning module on information and research skills in Modern Japan (in German). It provides guidance on all steps of academic work, from dealing with your topic to the actual writing.

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