Trainings on literature search and academic writing
Subject information for students: Information Science
Currently only available in German.
Literature search
All media on the subject Information Science are located on the 1st floor of the Central Library. You can find an overview of the library locations here.
The books in the reading rooms are shelved systematically, i.e. according to subjects and within the subjects, according to subject areas and topics. The basis of the arrangement is the classification system which divides the fields of knowledge into main groups and subgroups and is expressed by a letter-number combination (classification number). Classification numbers are used for the books’ shelf numbers, and you can use them to search the catalogue thematically.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)
Information Processing & Management
Emerald Library & Information Sciences eJournal Collection
All electronic journals licensed for Information Science can be found in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).
Click here for an overview of all Information Science textbook collection titles.
INFODATA Informationswissenschaft
ACM Digital Library (Association for Computing Machinery)
OLC Informations-, Buch- und Informationswesen (Fachbezogener Auszug aus Online Contents)