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Subject information for students: Jewish Studies

Literature search

Please note that while searching the transliteration of Hebrew-language titles in German library catalogues and databases follows different rules than, for example, that of the Anglo-American directories.

Holdings belonging to the subject Jewisch Studies are located on the 1st floor of the Humanities Library PhilBib 2 in building 24.21.

Please note that you will also find media on Jewish History in the History section within the call number group "his", as well as Jewish Philosophy under "phi", Jewish Art under "kun", etc. The classification system provides an overview of the respective shelving.

Important electronic journals can be found in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). It is best to search using the title of the journal. Unfortunately, the Judaic journals are not grouped by subject.

Searching via the subject databases is usually more accurate than searching through the library catalogue and does not provide as much ballast. You can find the available databases via the Database Information System (DBIS). Please activate your VPN when searching from off-campus.


Currently only available in German.

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