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Subject information for research and teaching: Yiddish Studies


Currently only available in German.

Research information for researchers

All electronically available journals can be found in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). Please also take note of the offer from UB Frankfurt – Compact Memory project.

A selection of newspapers and magazines freely available on the internet

Historical Jewish Press (National Library of Israel): Site to be developed. Contains several digitized Yiddish newspapers and magazines as for instance in the near future Literarishe Bleter.

Dibur: Dibur is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to Hebrew, Jewish, and comparative literature, edited by Standord University.

In Geveb: A Journal of yiddish Studies

Forverts /The Yiddish Daily Forward

Lebnsfragn: a Yiddish montly from Israel

Di Tsukunft: The world's oldest Yiddish literary journal.


Der Moment

Unzer Express

Subject databases are available via the Database Information System (DBIS). Please activate your VPN when searching from off-campus.

Elektronische Texte / Digital Collections

Institutionen, Bibliotheken / Institutions, Libraries

Foren, Newsgroups, Blogs

Sprache ud Literatur  / Language and Literature

Transliteration / Language Courses

Musik und Kultur / Music and Popular Culture

Digital and information literacy

The ULB supports the advancement of digital literacy and information skills with subject-specific in-person teaching and digital offers. We can gladly attend your events and give an introduction to subject-specific information research.

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