Subject information for research and teaching: Yiddish Studies
Currently only available in German.
Research information for researchers
All electronically available journals can be found in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). Please also take note of the offer from UB Frankfurt – Compact Memory project.
A selection of newspapers and magazines freely available on the internet
Historical Jewish Press (National Library of Israel): Site to be developed. Contains several digitized Yiddish newspapers and magazines as for instance in the near future Literarishe Bleter.
Dibur: Dibur is a peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to Hebrew, Jewish, and comparative literature, edited by Standord University.
In Geveb: A Journal of yiddish Studies
Forverts /The Yiddish Daily Forward
Lebnsfragn: a Yiddish montly from Israel
Di Tsukunft: The world's oldest Yiddish literary journal.
Subject databases are available via the Database Information System (DBIS). Please activate your VPN when searching from off-campus.
Elektronische Texte / Digital Collections
- The YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe: Provides the most complete picture of the culture and history of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present.
- YIVO Library of Yiddish Books: The library's 40,000 Yiddish-language titles comprise the largest collection of Yiddish books in the world.
- Online Yiddish resources (OYR)
- Harvard Library Judaica Division
- Yiddish Book Center`s Spielberg Digital Yiddish Library: The National Yiddish Book Center is a non-profit organization working to rescue Yiddish books and share their content with the world. More than 10,000 of our titles are now available free-of-charge through the Open Content Alliance.
- Yiddish Readings
- EYDES: Evidence of Yiddish Documented in European Societes. Some 6.000 hours of tape recordings testify to the variety of language, folklore, life style, and cultural practices that characterized the Jewish communities prior to World War II.
- The Sami Rohr Library of Recorded Yiddish Books
- The Yiddish Voice: Boston area yiddish radio schedule and several other links
- The Daily Sicho: Features a Real Audio recording of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Sichos in the Rebbe's voice in Yiddish for any day (excluding yom-tov and shabbos) of the current Jewish calendar month
- Refoyl's Yiddish Resources (Site by Raphael Finkel)
Institutionen, Bibliotheken / Institutions, Libraries
- Yiddish Sources (site by Gerben Zaagsma): Comprehensive site covering research for Yiddish materials, an events section, and information about relevant academic institutions, archives and libraries and universities or centers which offer Yiddish.
- The European Library: Users can cross-search and reuse over 26,394,274 digital items and 168,238,832 bibliographic records. The objects come from institutions located in countries which are members of the Council of Europe and range from catalogue records to full-text books, magazines, journals and audio recordings. Thirty five different languages are represented among the searchable objects.
- YIVO Institute Library
- National Yiddish Book Center
- Bibliothèque Medem: The most extensive european library for Yiddish collections
- Bibliotheca Rosentahliana Amsterdam
- Jiddisce Drucke Universitätsbiblithek Frankfut a. M.
- Yiddish Research ibGuide (New York Public Library)
- Historical Jewish Press (National Library of Israel): This site contains a collection of Jewish newspapers published in various countries, languages, and time periods
Foren, Newsgroups, Blogs
- Katie Kanye (Hasidic Blog): Combining the vernacular of the Yiddish street with the language of rabbinic literature, Katle Kanye muses about daily life in the Hasidic world.“ (Gary Shapiro)
- Idishe Velt forums
- Zackary Sholem Berger (Blog)
Sprache ud Literatur / Language and Literature
- The World of Yiddish / Di velt fun yidish / haOlam haYidi: s devoted to Yiddish language, literature and folklore. Special attention is given Hebrew-Yiddish relations and the generations of bilingual (Hebrew and Yiddish) writers.
- Yiddish Poetry Project Melbourne
- Der Leyzenzal: Yiddish reading group
- Virtual Shetl
- Virtuelles Schetl (Museum of the Polish Jews, Warzaw)
- Yiddish Theater Reearch. A Quick Online Guide (New York Public Lirary)
- The Grosbard Project
- Jewish languages Research Website: Most longstanding Jewish languages are now endangered, but new ones are emerging. Many people have heard of Aramaic, Yiddish, and Ladino, but knowledge of other Jewish languages is less common, such as judeo-Greek, Jewis Malavalam, and contemporary Jewish French. On this site you will find resources on these and other languages, including dictionaries, maps, videos, and statistics.
- Syntax of Eastern Yiddish Dialects (SEYD): n cooperation with the Columbia Uniersity Libraries the project is associated with the chair of Yiddish Culture, Language and Literature at the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf.
Transliteration / Language Courses
- Jiddisch zum Selbststudium im Internet (Urike Kiefer u. Robert Neumann)
- Steiner Summer Yiddish Program (Yidish Book Center) May 30–July 16, 2021
- Yiddish Transliteration (YIVO Version)
- Yiddish Typewriter
- Hebräische Typographie im deutschsprachigen Raum Das Forschungsprojekt beschäftigt sich mit hebräischen Drucklettern im deutschsprachigen Raum vom Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts bis 1939 und untersucht eine Vielzahl von Druckschriftdokumenten und ihren vielschichtigen Informationen.
- Hebräische und jiddische Umchrift in deutschen Bibliothekskatalogen (FID Judaistik, Frankfurt a. M.)
Musik und Kultur / Music and Popular Culture
- Finding Yiddish Music: an Online Guide (New York Public Library)
- ZEMERL: the Jewish Song Database
- Ari Davidow's Klezmer Shack
- Robert and Molly Freedman Jewish Sound Archive (Univ. of Pen Lib.)
- Dartmouth Jewish Sound Archive
- Yugntruf NY: Youth for Yiddish
- Forverts / Jewish Forward Channel Youtube
- Der Bay:Anglo-Yiddish Newsletter
- YiddishPOP
Digital and information literacy
The ULB supports the advancement of digital literacy and information skills with subject-specific in-person teaching and digital offers. We can gladly attend your events and give an introduction to subject-specific information research.