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University bibliography

The aim of the university bibliography is to record all publications by academics affiliated with HHU that they have published during their employment at HHU.

The university bibliography serves to document the research output of HHU and thus also to make the research performance of academics more visible. Based on the data in the university bibliography, you can generate publication lists and integrate them into your own website. Newly included publications in the university bibliography will then automatically appear on the website as well.

In an initial pilot phase, authors from the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities can report their publications with affiliation to HHU published since 01/01/2020 to us.

Please click here for the university bibliography: https://bibliography.ulb.hhu.de/


Firstly, you can report publications yourself using the system proper, at any time. We have summarised the most important information for you here.

Additionally, you have the option of sending us publication lists in any format via e-mail.

Reported publications are processed as quickly as possible. They are validated with regard to correctness, integrity, and compliance with the inclusion criteria of HHU bibliography’s pilot phase. If necessary, an enrichment with missing metadata and external identifiers is carried out. We will notify you as soon as this process is completed.

A person’s affiliation in the HHU bibliography is based on the information available to us. Furthermore, it is possible that links were created by another university involved in the university bibliography.

In case of incorrect information, please feel free to let us know. We will then check your personal data set and make changes if necessary.

If you are not registered with a personal data set yet but would like to index a publication with affiliation to HHU and a publication date after 01.01.2020, please let us know via e-mail. We will then create a personal data set for you.

If you feel changes need to be made to work data sets that you have created but which have not yet been validated, you can edit these data sets yourself at any time.

If changes to personal data sets or already validated work data sets are necessary, please let us know via e-mail.

Your profile is used to generate and save publication lists. Your publications can be found in your personal data set under the “Works” tab. The tab can be accessed via the person search.

As part of the preparations for the pilot phase of the university bibliography, selected publications by HHU researchers published before 01.01.2020 were included for test purposes. Currently, such publications cannot be recorded and will be removed from the system when new entries are made.

The university bibliography is a joint project involving several other university libraries. Therefore, it is possible that works have been recorded by another university, which may have selected different reporting periods.

All information about the publication list generator “PubliG” can be found here.