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Library A-Z

Walk-along (accompany) Service ?abc=w#name536
If you wish to make use of a walk-along service at night, you can make a request at the Service Point of the University. Contact: e-mail, 0211 - 81-11666
WiFi; ?abc=w#name267
WLAN ?abc=w#name193
You can connect with the network of HHU by wireless LAN in all library buildings. A valid university identification (Uni-Kennung) is required.
Students and employees of other universities or academies can access wireless LAN with the help of their authentication data of their home universities (participation in eduroam is required).
Important: Please address all your questions to the ZIM! Contact:
helpdesk (Helpdesk), e-mail, 0211 - 81-10111
Please report any disturbances in the wireless LAN network to: e-mail.
Word Processing ?abc=w#name576
Word processing programs are provided on the library PCs for registered library users (Microsoft Office and LibreOffice)
Working Booths; ?abc=w#name191
Individual study rooms
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