Where can I find the literature for my subject?
The freely accessible media are distributed over six library locations. The lists below show where you can find the media for the individual subjects.
Subject overview sorted by locations
1st floor
East Asian Studies (oas) | |
General Reference (alg) | |
German Studies (ger) | |
Information Science (bibt) | |
Library Science (bib) | |
Literary Studies (lit) | |
Romance Studies (rom) |
2nd floor
Economics (wir) |
History (his) |
Media Sciences (mwi) |
Sociology (soz) |
3rd floor
Art (kun) |
Biology (bio) |
Chemistry (che) |
Computer Science (dat) |
Cultural Anthropology (vol) |
Educational Studies (erz) |
Engineering (ing) |
Ethnology (etn) |
Geoscience (geo) |
Mathematics (mat) |
Pharmacy (pha) |
Physics (phy) |
Psychology (psy) |
Law (jur)
Medicine (med)
Cultural Sciences (kul) |
English Studies (ang) |
Linguistics (spr) |
Literary Translation (lue) |
Musicology (mus) |
Theatre Studies (tea) |
1st floor
Jewish Studies (jst) |
Religious Studies/Theology (rel) |
Yiddish Studies (jid) |
2nd floor
Classical Philology (ant) |
Philosophy (phi) |
Biology (bio) |
Chemistry (che) |
Computer Science (dat) |
Mathematics (mat) |
Pharmacy (pha) |
Physics (phy) |
Subject overview A – Z
Textbook collections (lbs) are available for all subjects taught at HHU. If the holdings of a subject are completely or partially located in the Central Library, you will find the textbooks in the Central Library.