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Subject information for research and teaching: Sociology


Currently only available in German.

Research information for researchers

ULB Düsseldorf is made up of the Central Library and several branch libraries. An overview can be found here.

Books and journals on Sociology can be found in the ULB under various call numbers and at various media locations:

Central Library, 2nd floor

The freely accessible literature in the reading room is organised by subject (systematic list). The subject abbreviation for Sociology call numbers is soz.

Literature on Political Science and Media Sciences  is often also relevant in terms of contents. Please also see the research notes for these subjects.

All subject classifications can be viewed online.

Unfortunately, not all titles in our collection can currently be indexed using the subject classification system, e.g. titles from e-book packages. We therefore recommend a combination of a free search in the catalogue and a search using the subject classification system.

Closed stacks

ULB’s closed stacks are accessible to library staff only. Items in the stacks can be requested through the catalogue for consultation at a reading room or for borrowing from the pick-up areas. Orders are free of charge; full details can be found here.

The Sociology textbook collection is located on the ground floor of the Central Library. The textbook collection is systematically arranged and the subject abbreviation is soz.

If you would like to use a particular textbook for your course which is not yet available in ULB Düsseldorf’s collections, please contact us. We will check the possibility of acquiring print copies and/or an e-book.

It is also possible to set up a course collection for a course.

You can find printed journals on the second floor under the call number soz z.

Many of these titles are also partly available online. The Electronic Journals Library (EZB) provides an overview of licensed journals.

You can use the BrowZine tool to browse online journals.

Please activate your VPN first if you are searching from off campus.

Requests for journal subscriptions can be sent to the subject librarian if required.

Subject databases licensed by ULB Düsseldorf are available via the Database Information System (DBIS).

Please activate the VPN from off-campus before starting your research.

If you need access to unlicensed databases as part of your research, please contact the relevant subject librarian.

The specialised information service SocioHub is the central literature and information portal for Sociology in Germany. An overview of SocioHub's services can be found on the portal's homepage. Registered sociologists have a range of options for research, professional networking and open access publishing.

SocioHub also provides information and advice on research data management in sociology. More information can be found here.

Selecting and ordering literature

You’re welcome to submit literature requests and acquisition suggestions to the responsible subject librarian, either informally via email or by using our acquisition proposal form.

We can set up quick reference collections for literature required on a daily basis as required by Chairs after consultation with their respective subject librarian. Up to 500 items of research literature can be included in a quick reference collection. Please contact your responsible subject librarian to set up a quick reference collection or order books for a collection.

Digital and information literacy

ULB supports the teaching of digital and information literacy through subject specific teaching and e-learning programmes.

Please contact us if you are interested in collaborating.

Responsible for the content: Wissenschaftsdienste : Contact by e-mail