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Locker regulations

Guidelines for the use of lockers in the University and State Library Düsseldorf dated 6 January 2010


  1. Students and visitors of the University and State Library Düsseldorf may use coin-operated lockers with cash return in the Central Library and in the branch libraries to safely store their clothes, bags etc.
    Patrons are prohibited from storing chemicals and dangerous and harmful substances and objects in the lockers.
  2. In order to ensure that the purpose specified in Section 1 is achieved and to provide access to the lockers to as many potential patrons as possible, a patron may not use more than one locker at the same time. The lockers must be emptied daily, even if the patron intends to use the locker on the next day again. This also applies to semester breaks.
  3. Every patron who uses a locker declares his/her consent that the locker can be opened by force and cleared by the library if the permitted period of use according to Section 2 is exceeded and that further steps can be taken in accordance with these principles.
  4. If the procedure under Section 3 is adopted, the deposit money from the lockers shall be forfeited to Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.
  5. The library will take possession of the items found and keep them for the period of one month. Upon expiry of this period, it shall be assumed that the patron of the locker wishes to relinquish his/her property. In so doing, the rights of the person entitled to receive those items cease to exist unless this person has previously registered his/her rights with the library, and thus the library acquires the right to handle these items at its own discretion.
  6. If a malfunction of the lock mechanism occurs while using a locker, the library must be notified. Unauthorised interventions are prohibited. The patron is liable for any damage to the device caused by improper operation.
  7. If the patron loses a key to a locker, he/she must report this fact immediately to the library. In case of a loss, a new cylinder is usually installed. The person who lost the key is liable for the damage incurred and shall bear the costs for the replacement and installation of the new cylinder. An additional fee in the amount of €25.00 will be charged for administrative expenses.
  8. Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf is not liable for loss of or damage to the items stored in the lockers.
  9. These principles shall enter into force on the day following their publication in the Official Bulletin of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. These principles replace the Locker Room Regulations of Heinrich Heine University of 27 April 1984 with respect to the areas of the University and State Library (Central Library and branch libraries).

Issued on the basis of a resolution of the Rectorate of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf of 17 December 2009.


In Düsseldorf, on 6 January 2010

of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Hans Michael Piper
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. phil.


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