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DEAL and other special conditions

Open access publications are freely accessible online for everyone at all times, without any fees or other restrictions for readers. As the previously customary financing of journals via subscription fees or pay-per-view is no longer possible, alternative business models have been developed. These mostly involve fees being charged for the publication of contributions (APC). In addition, special conditions may have been agreed for members of the corresponding institution through agreements with individual publishers.

As a researcher at HHU, you can benefit from the following special conditions for open access publishing. Please note that the agreements only apply to the corresponding author(s).

Publications in included journals are free of charge for HHU researchers, provided they have been accepted during the contract period (01.01.2024-31.12.2028). Publication costs are financed and processed via the library.

This applies to publications in Gold Open Access journals (approx. 660 titles) as well as to so-called core hybrid journals, i.e. journals that are not published completely in Open Access (approx. 1,800 titles). Journals from Cell and The Lancet (50 titles) are also included. These conditions are based on the Elsevier-DEAL contract, which HHU has joined.

Check the list of included journals to see whether the journal you have selected is included. Please consult the tab "included"; publications in all journals listed here are free of charge for corresponding authors of HHU.

The DEAL conditions apply to the following publication types: Full-length Article, Review Article, Case Report, Data in Brief, Microarticle, Original Software Publication, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Communication, Short Survey, Video Article.

When submitting your article, please indicate Heinrich Heine University or the University Hospital as your affiliation. The article will then be processed according to the DEAL conditions. Please also provide your official e-mail address of HHU or UKD, as this may also identify you as an authorized author.

When requesting the Creative Commons license to be granted for your publication, please select CC BY in the spirit of the Open Access concept.

Publications in included journals are free of charge for HHU researchers, provided the approval date is within the contract period (01.01.2024-31.12.2028). The year 2024 is an exception; in this case, a publication date in 2024 is sufficient as an alternative. In these cases, the publication costs are financed and processed via the library.

This applies both to publications in pure Open Access journals (approx. 550 titles) and to so-called hybrid journals (also: Open Choice), i.e. journals that are not published completely in Open Access (approx. 2,300 titles). The basis for these conditions is the Springer-DEAL contract, which HHU has joined.

Check the list of included journals to see whether the journal you have selected is included. Consult the "Included" tab; publications in all journals listed there are free of charge for corresponding authors of HHU.

The DEAL conditions apply to the following publication types:

Fully OA Journals

Original Paper (also: Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper, Research Paper), Review Paper, Brief Communication.

Hybrid Journals:

Research Articles: Original Paper (Original Research, Original Article, Research Paper), Review Paper, Brief Communication.

Non-Research Articles: Editorial Notes, Book Reviews, Letters, Reports.

The following applies to "Facharztzeitschriften": Research articles are only included if they were not requested and actively supervised as part of editorial planning. Non-research articles in these journals are not covered by the DEAL agreement.

When submitting your article, please select Heinrich Heine University or the University Hospital as your affiliation. The article will then be processed according to the DEAL conditions. Please also enter your official e-mail address of HHU or UKD, as this may also identify you as an authorized author.

When requesting the Creative Commons license to be granted for your publication, please select CC BY in the sense of the Open Access concept.

Publications in included journals are free of charge for HHU researchers, provided they have been accepted during the contract period. The publication costs are financed and processed by the library.

This applies both to publications in pure Open Access journals (approx. 600 titles) and to hybrid journals (also: Online Open), i.e. journals that are not completely Open Access (approx. 1,300 titles). The basis for these conditions is the Wiley-DEAL contract, which HHU has joined.

Check the list of included journals to see whether the journal you have selected is included. Consult the "Included" tab; publications in journals with the revenue model OA, HOA and OO are free of charge for corresponding authors of HHU.

The DEAL conditions apply to the following publication types: Research Articles, Review Articles, Case Study, Commentary, Data Article, Education, Lecture, Method and Protocol, Perspective, Practice and Policy, Rapid Publication, Short Communication, Technical Note.

When submitting your article, please indicate Heinrich Heine University or the University Hospital as your affiliation. The article will then be processed according to the DEAL conditions. Please also provide your official e-mail address of HHU or UKD, as this may also identify you as an authorized author.

When requesting the Creative Commons license to be granted for your publication, please select CC BY in the spirit of the Open Access concept.

Further information can be found on the Wiley Author Services website.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf receive a discount of 15% on the article processing charges (APC) in the pure (golden) Open Access journal ScienceAdvances from AAAS.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to indicate "Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides a quick guide on how to successfully apply the discount.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in journals of the ACM Open-Portfolio. For this it is necessary to use an institutional mail address when submitting the article.

There are detailed information on ACM Open and a helpful FAQ.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in these hybrid journals oft the AIP portfolio. Please note that this only applies to articles of the type peer-reviewed primary research and review.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to select "Univ Landesbibl Dusseldorf" from the list of institutions when submitting.

The publisher provides a helpful Guide for Authors.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in the journals of Annual Reviews that are part of the S2O model.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf receive a 50% discount on the article processing fees (APC) of all Bentham Science Journals.

To apply the discount successfully, it is necessary to select "Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf" from the list of institutions when submitting.

The publisher provides a helpful Submission Guide.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in 28 hybrid BMJ journals. Furthermore, we will cover your article processing charges (APC) from 29 gold BMJ journals, receiving a 25% discount. Please note that this is only for articles of the type Original-Research Article.
A list of the these journals is available here if you select "University of Düsseldorf" as institution. SC indicates hybrid journals and OA indicates pure (gold) journals

For successful assumption of costs or a successful application of the discount, it is necessary to select "Universität Düsseldorf" from the list of institutions when submitting.

The publisher provides a helpful Guide for Authors.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in a total of 431 gold and hybrid journals of the multidisciplinary journal package of Cambridge University Press. A list of the journals can be found here or is available at any time with the most current status at https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/open-access-policies/waivers-discounts#waiversProductDataInner. Please select the following for this purpose: Country/Territory of your institution: Germany; Name of you institution: Heinrich-Heine-Univeristät Düsseldorf or Düsseldorf University Hospital (Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to select " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" from the list of institutions when submitting.

The publisher provides a helpful Step-by-step-Guide.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in all five journals of the Company of biologists journal portfolio. Please note that this only applies to articles of the type Original Research Paper.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address and to indicate " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides an extensive Guide for authors and a helpful FAQ.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in hybrid journals of the HSS journal portfolio (HSS – humanities and social sciences) and receive a discount of 20% on the article processing charges (APC) in gold journals of the HSS portfolio.

For successful assumption of costs or a successful application of the discount, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address when submitting the article.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in hybrid and gold journals of the Emerald journal portfolio.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address and to indicate " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides a guide for publishing via the agreement.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in the journals of EMS Press that are part of the S2O model.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in hybrid journals of the Hogrefe PsyJOURNALS portfolio and receive a discount of 25% on the article processing charges (APC) of the three golden journals of the PsyJOURNALS portfolio. A list of journals and further information can be found here.

For successful assumption of costs or a successful application of the discount, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address when submitting the article.

The publisher provides a helpful FAQ.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in hybrid and gold journals of the IEEE journal portfolio in restricted quantity.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address and to indicate " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides a detailed guide to publishing via the agreement as well as a flyer on Open Access publishing with IEEE.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in 53 hybrid and 21 gold journals of the IOP journal portfolio.

Please note that this only applies to articles of the type "Primary Research Article" (incl. "Research Papers", "Special Issue Articles", "Letters" and "Review Articles").

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to indicate " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides a guide to publishing via the agreement.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in hybrid journals of the Karger journal portfolio and receive a discount of 15% on article processing charges (APC) in golden journals.

A list of these journals can be found here. The hybrid journals are identifiable by the note"Publish Open Access via Authors Choice", while the pure (gold) OA journals are marked with an OA logo.

Please note that this only applies to article type Case Report, Original Research Article, Review Article, Meta-Analyses and Methods Article.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to indicate "Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides a helpful guide to the submission process.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in the journals of MSP that are part of the S2O model.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in all journals of OLH.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in over 500 hybrid journals of the OUP journal portfolio and receive a 10% discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) in gold journals.

For a successful assumption of costs or a successful application of the discount, it is necessary to indicate "Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf" or "Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf" as affiliation when the article gets accepted.

The publisher provides a helpful Author-Agreement-Guide.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in all fourteen journals of the PLOS portfolio.

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address and to choose " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" from list of institutions as affiliation when submitting.

The publisher provides helpful Author Instructions.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in all seven Biochemical Society Journals of Portland Press.
For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to indicate " Heinrich-Heine-Universität" as affiliation when submitting.


Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in 37 hybrid and 17 gold journals in the RSC journal portfolio.

For successful assumption of costs or a successful application of the discount, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address when submitting the article.

All information about publishing at RSC can be found here. The publisher also provides a helpful author workflow guide.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in hybrid journals of the SAGE Health Science Package and receive a 20% discount on article processing charges (APC) in gold journals.

For successful assumption of costs or a successful application of the discount, it is necessary to use an institutional mail address when submitting the article.

The publisher provides instructions for publishing in hybrid SAGE Choice journals and instructions for publishing in gold journals.

Researchers of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish publications on high energy physics via SCOAP³ in some journals free of charge.

Researchers of the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf or the University Hospital Düsseldorf may publish free of charge in the following five journals of the Thieme journal portfolio:

  • Pharmacopsychiatry (ISSN: 0176-3679)
  • Methods of Information in Medicine (ISSN: 0026-1270)
  • Hormone and Metabolic Research (ISSN: 0018-5043)
  • International Journal of Sports Medicine (ISSN: 0172-4622)
  • Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISSN: 0340-6245)

For successful assumption of costs, it is necessary to select "Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf" as affiliation by using the Ringgold ID (9170) when submitting.

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