Please upload your electronic publication via the delivery service or via the email adress e-pflicht(at)ulb.hhu.de .
In addition to print publications, the ULB also collects and records online publications as e-deposits as part of its obligation to store deposit copies. It mainly collects the publications of the state authorities, municipalities and other public institutions. The legal basis for this is the circular dated 12 June 2008 issued by the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia.
Grey literature published online by companies, associations and societies has also been collected and stored since the law on deposit copies was amended on 29 January 2013. E-books published by commercial publishers are collected if they are only available as an e-book, i.e. no parallel print publication is available.
For an overview of the online publications, see the ULB’s e-deposit collection. You can also browse the e-deposits in the ULB catalogue; full text versions are mostly freely available.
Should an e-deposit not be freely available, it can be consulted at the electronic reading station in the Special Reading Room. Electronic daily newspapers (e-papers) from the Düsseldorf administrative region published after February 2013 are stored in the e-paper catalogue. The full texts can also only be consulted at the electronic reading station.