ULB Düsseldorf caters to your digital literature needs with a diverse range of electronic media. These increasingly include e-books. See here for full details of how to access the e-books and further related services.
Accessing the e-books
You can browse the e-books in the ULB catalogue, which is the central reference tool of our holdings. Start your search, then limit the search results list to the publication type “online”. Alternatively, search the mostly subject-specific e-book collections.
The Ministry of Culture and Science launched the E-Books.NRW initiative to support students and universities in digital teaching. The initiative provides the state's 42 university libraries with a total of 40 million euros for e-book licences until 2023. The aim of E-Books.NRW is to meet the increased demand for permanently usable electronic media for studying and teaching across the state with the broadest possible spectrum of e-books.
E-media made available by ULB via the initiative can be accessed by searching our catalogue or, in addition, directly via the corresponding e-book collections: De Gruyter, Content-select, Kohlhammer. The offer also comprises e-media of various partner publishers.
Terms of use and licensing conditions
For licensing reasons, only HHU members and affiliates are able to access the e-books. All other ULB library card holders are only able to access the e-books at the computer terminals in the library.
According to the applicable copyright laws and ULB Düsseldorf’s licensing agreements, in most cases the contents of databases and e-books may not be downloaded or printed out in whole or in large parts.
You must adhere to the terms of use of the respective provider when using the e-books offered by ULB Düsseldorf.
The following regulations generally apply:
The aforementioned authorised patrons are permitted to use the data for their own academic purposes within the framework of the individual providers’ licensing conditions. Only they may:
- search the e-books offered;
- view search results (including full text chapters) on their computer screen;
- save individual search results (including full text chapters) locally for their own academic purposes;
- print out individual search results (including full text chapters) as a paper copy in one copy for their own academic purposes.
Basically forbidden is:
- any use beyond the licensing conditions of the individual providers;
- any use beyond the patrons’ own academic purposes. In particular, use for commercial purposes is prohibited;
- systematic or multiple saving (in particular by bots), printing and/or archiving of the data provided.
Consequently, it is for example prohibited to:
save, print and/or archive entire books.
It is moreover prohibited to:
- pass on licensed material to third parties who are not authorised patrons;
- rent or sell data;
- store the data on the patron’s servers;
- modify the licensed materials;
- produce derivative works.
Special terms of use
Online reading is always possible!
Copy/print/download: personal registration at ProQuest Ebook Central necessary (free of charge)
Download/print: max. 40 % per eBook, copy: max. 20 % (varies with publishers, in rare cases not possible)
Quota is reset every 24 hours!
Download (epub-Datei): Adobe Digital Editions (free of charge) required!
Entire book for offline use up to max. 7 days (3-user-licence) or 21 days (multi-user-licence)
Individual authentification:
Click on the e-book link in the ULB catalogue, then on “Download PDF chapter”. If you want to download a chapter, you’ll be prompted to create an account. The password must contain at least 8 letters, numbers or special characters. You can then log in using the account you’ve created.
Alternatively, you can register directly with Ebook Central (click on “Sign In” at the top right, then on “Request Account”). In future, you’ll then be able to use your account details to log in.
See the help page for details of all the options to print and download texts. The site also contains information on integrating search results into literature management programmes and much more.
Online reading is always possible!
Authentication only via Shibboleth (for HHU members only)
Copy: possible
Printing: possible via browser with restrictions
Download: no
Copy: possible
Download/print: yes, chapter by chapter via session with social DRM/watermark
Copy: not possible
Download/print: only page by page