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Subject information for students: Media Science


Currently only available in German.

Literature search

The subject's holdings are distributed across several library locations. In the Central Library, only the textbook collection (ground floor) has the uniform call number group "mwi" for the subject Media Sciences.

Further relevant holdings mainly can be found within the following call number groups:

  • "alg" - General: journalism, media studies (algt)
  • "soz" - Sociology: research methods (sozd), mass communication, mass media (sozw700-734)
  • "erz" - Educational Science: media education (erzv)
  • "wir" - Economics: media economics (wirq601-609)
  • "jur" - Law: media law (jurt331-400), multimedia and internet law (jurg311-319): only in the Law Library

Digitally available journals can be found via the Electronic Journals Database (EZB). Please ensure your VPN is activated when searching from off-campus.

When searching the subject databases, you are searching in a more subject-specific environment than when searching in the interdisciplinary library catalogue. You will find the databases relevant to you in the Database Information System (DBIS). Please activate your VPN first before searching from off campus.

Subject specific information resources

The subject's holdings are distributed across several library locations. In the Central Library, only the textbook collection (ground floor) has the uniform call number group "mwi" for the subject Media Sciences.

Further relevant holdings mainly can be found within the following call number groups:

  • "alg" - General: journalism, media studies (algt)
  • "soz" - Sociology: research methods (sozd), mass communication, mass media (sozw700-734)
  • "erz" - Educational Science: media education (erzv)
  • "wir" - Economics: media economics (wirq601-609)
  • "jur" - Law: media law (jurt331-400), multimedia and internet law (jurg311-319): only in the Law Library

Digitally available journals can be found via the Electronic Journals Database (EZB). Please ensure your VPN is activated when searching from off-campus.

When searching the subject databases, you are searching in a more subject-specific environment than when searching in the interdisciplinary library catalogue. You will find the databases relevant to you in the Database Information System (DBIS). Please activate your VPN first before searching from off campus.

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