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Fee Regulations

for the University and State Library Düsseldorf of 23 February 2024

as amended by the fifth amendment to the Fee Regulations for the University and State Library of 23 February 2024 (Official Bulletin No. 8/2024)

Article I

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf has adopted the following Fee Regulations pursuant to Sections 2 (4) and 29 (4) of the Law on the Universities in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia Hochschulgesetz HG NW of 16 September 2014 (NRW Gazette of Laws and Regulations GV.NRW, page 547), last amended by an Act of 29 August 2023 (NRW Gazette of Laws and Regulations GV.NRW, page 1072), in conjunction with Section 2 of the Higher Education Fees Regulation dated 13 August 2015 (NRW Gazette of Laws and Regulations GV.NRW, page 569), last amended by a regulation of 25 March 2021 (NRW Gazette of Laws and Regulations GV.NRW, page 331):

(1) The use of the University and State Library Düsseldorf (hereinafter the ‘Library’) is, in principle, free of charge.

(2) Fees and costs are charged for administrative activities and certain Library services in accordance with these Fee Regulations and the relevant provisions of the laws on costs applicable in the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia, as amended. The Library patrons are liable for reimbursing special expenses.

(3) Overdue fees are charged when the loan periods under the Regulations for Use are exceeded.

A fee of €10.00 is charged for replacement of a lost or damaged library card.

(1) An overdue fee is charged, if the loan period is exceeded. This fee is due when  the loan period is exceeded and is charged in the following amounts per item:

  1. 1. by up to 10 calendar days: €2.00
  2. 2. by up to 20 calendar days: €5.00
  3. 3. by up to 30 calendar days: €10.00
  4. 4. by 31 calendar days or more: €20.00

(2) If an item  was loaned within the framework of a short-term loan specified in the Regulations for Use and is not returned in time, the fee is €2.00 per calendar day.

(3) If the loan period is exceeded by more than 40 calendar days or, in the case of a short-term loan, by more than 10 calendar days, the Library issues an immediately enforceable return order and, if the loaned item is not returned within 28 days, enforcement proceedings are initiated to reclaim the item.

(4) If enforcement

  1. 1. is unsuccessful or,
  2. 2. seems inexpedient or unpromising from the beginning,

and the loan period is exceeded by more than 40 calendar days, or the deadline for returning an item on short loan is exceeded by more than 10 calendar days, this is considered a non-return of the relevant item. In that case, the user is obliged to pay compensation for damage in addition to the overdue fees. Furthermore, an administrative fee in the amount of €25.00 per item is charged.

(5) The loan period may not be extended via the library account, e.g., if the fee account is overdrawn by more than €40.00, or if it has been blocked due to an overdue loan notice for more than 30 calendar days.

In the event of loss, damage or non-return of an item or its parts, an administrative fee of €25.00 per item is charged in addition to the compensation and the fees under Section 3 (1) and (2). Compensation is based on the actual costs of replacement or repair or set at the item’s fair value.

(1) A processing fee is charged for ordering items by way of interlibrary loans. The amount of the processing fee is based on the applicable provisions of the Regulations on Loans within the Federal Republic of Germany (Loan Regulations) Ordnung des Leihverkehrs in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Leihverkehrsordnung) and the applicable supplementary rules of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

(2) The processing fee is waived where an interlibrary loan is requested for the purposes of performing official duties by professors and academic staff of Heinrich Heine University.

The costs for other services provided by the Library on special request within the scope of its mandate and its possibilities (e.g. production of copies or digitised copies on request) and for expenses incurred by the Library in connection with providing these services are charged based on a separate price list according to the expenditure incurred. The price list is determined by the Library management and is published in the applicable version.

(1) If enforcement measures are necessary, fees and expenses are charged in this respect in accordance with the Administrative Enforcement Law of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Verwaltungsvollstreckungsgesetz für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen and the Regulations on Costs issued in this respect, as amended.

(2) If a patron fails to notify the Library of a change in his/her address or name, a fee of €10.00 is charged for the expenses incurred by the Library in ascertaining the address.

Fees and expenses incurred may exceptionally be deferred, reduced or waived entirely on request if their collection would cause severe hardship in the given individual case. The relevant decision shall be issued by the Library management.

Article II

In Düsseldorf, on 23 February 2024

of Heinrich Heine University

Anja Steinbeck
(Univ.-Prof. Dr. iur.)

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