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Subject information for students: Cultural Sciences


Currently only available in German.

Literature search

Literature is shelved by subject or topic in the Central Library’s reading rooms and our branch libraries.

The media’s arrangement is based on our classification system. The relevant classification system groups for Media and Cultural Sciences can be found here. Please select "Cultural Sciences" here. You will find the literature acquired specifically for Media and Cultural Sciences in the PhilBib in building 23.21.

Almost all humanities subjects, which are mainly located in the Central Library, contain subgroups that are also relevant for Media and Cultural Sciences. You can find the corresponding classification system groups for these subjects here. Please select the relevant subjects in the search slot:

  • Media Sciences
  • Sociology
  • Theatre and Film Studies
  • Philologies: German Studies, English Studies, Romance Studies, Literary Studies
  • History

All holdings of a subject are always arranged from the general to the specific.

The classification system also determines the call number you will find on each book. Example: kulb100.m459

kul = Cultural Sciences

b = theories and methods of Cultural Sciences and Cultural Anthropology

100 = general

m = first letter of the author's or editor's surname

459 = cutter number

Various subject databases are available to you for searching literature in Media and Cultural Sciences. The subject databases listed for Media and Cultural Sciences in our Database Information System take into account the diverse disciplines of this subject, from Journalism, Film Studies, Literary Studies, Theatre Studies to Sociology and History. The JSTOR and Project Muse databases cover all humanities subjects. As a rule, the full texts of the articles can be accessed directly here. The Web of Science database also covers all humanities subjects and offers many full-text articles. It is particularly trustworthy because of its high degree of actuality.

Due to the high interdisciplinarity of the subject, it is often worthwhile - depending on the topic - to search in subject databases of Sociology, History or Philology, all of which you can find in ULB's Database Information System (DBIS).

Contrary to a search in library catalogues, academic articles from anthologies and journals can be found in the databases. The individual articles are indexed by keywords, so that your search can be much more precise.

To use the databases from home, please activate your VPN client first.

Newspapers are an important research source for Media and Cultural Sciences. We offer access to two large databases for researching full texts of German and foreign current newspapers.

Nexis Uni


Online stehen Ihnen außerdem wichtige tagesaktuelle Zeitungen zur Verfügung:

F.A.Z. - Bibliotheksportal (nur in der Bibliothek zu recherchieren)

The New York Times

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Der Spiegel

A large number of current and historical newspapers can be found in the Database Information System (DBIS) within the subject General/Interdisciplinary. The section “Newspapers” grants access to more than a hundred other newspaper portals and individual newspapers in full text.

Newspapers published in the administrative district of Düsseldorf after 2013 can be accessed at the electronic reading place in the Special Reading Room.

Currently, ULB is also participating in "zeit.punkt NRW", a project in which historical newspapers from North Rhine-Westphalia are being digitised and made available via the NRW newspaper portal. Here you can find historical newspapers published up to 1945.

An e-learning module on research for newspapers can be found here.


ULB has licensed two streaming portals:

  • filmfriend (German film classics, documentaries, arthouse cinema, children's series)
  • Kanopy (streaming service for educational institutions, educational videos, documentaries mainly in English).

ULB also holds a large number of DVDs, whose titles can be found in the library catalogue. You can also browse for films in the systematics "Theatre and Film Studies". To do this, you need to have a look at classification numbers teav 900.

All electronic journals subscribed for Media and Cultural Sciences can be found in the Electronic Journals Library (EZB). Current issues of Media and Cultural Sciences journals are available in the journal displays in the Phil-Bib or in the reading room of the Central Library. The yearly bound journals are available under the call number alg z on the 1st floor of the Central Library or kul z in the PhilBib.

ULB also offers several full text databases containing journals relevant to Media and Cultural Sciences: JSTOR and Project Muse. Here you will find mainly journals from the Anglo-American area.

Do you need help with research for your term paper, Bachelor's or Master's thesis in Media and Cultural Sciences, or have questions about citation? Do you want to know if you have found the most important literature and/or how you can limit the number of hits? We will be happy to support you! Just send us an email with the topic of your academic paper and arrange an appointment.

Responsible for the content: Wissenschaftsdienste : Contact by e-mail