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Library A-Z

Rare Books ?abc=r#name41
Rare books
Reference Holdings (collection) ?abc=r#name309
Borrowing restrictions
Reference management software ?abc=r#name475
Reference management
Registration ?abc=r#name48
Registering for a library card
Renewals ?abc=r#name391
Reproduction Works ?abc=r#name322
If you need scans in reproduction quality (e.g. for publications), we offer you the option of digitizing copyright-free works from our holdings for a fee. To do so, please place a reproduction order. If you have any questions about reproduction orders, please send us an E-mail.
Reproductions ?abc=r#name395
Depending on the original format, you have different possibilities of reproducing a document. Please find information on different aspects here:
- Copying
- Microfilm Scanner
- Reproduction Works
- Service Copy Machines
Research Data ?abc=r#name586
Research data management
Returns ?abc=r#name326
Borrowing, returning and renewing items
Room of Silence ?abc=r#name581
Room of silence
Responsible for the content: